Nocturnal Designs can provide a personalized, one of a kind, priceless piece of art, featuring the environment or subject of your choosing !

If you are interested in commissioning a custom photograph or film, please feel free to contact me using the contact form below. Please describe the environment or subject that you would like to have photographed, and I will work with you to achieve your goal!



For night photographs, the environment or subject must be very dark in order to prevent an over exposed photograph. Neighboring street lights can pose potential issues, so be sure to disclose their approximate location when describing the environment.

Night photographs often involve many hours (3-4 on average) of experimenting, practicing, and perfecting until the final photograph is achieved. Some photographs are more complex than others, and on a few occasions a second night of shooting was required to achieve the final result.

Pricing will be based upon the complexity of the shot, and will be disclosed before work begins.

Travel time and distance will be factored into the final price.

The customer will end up with at least one final photograph. The digital version of the photograph will be owned by Nocturnal Designs, and may be purchased at an additional cost.

 The first print may be purchased at cost, and subsequent prints may be purchased at the regular price.



Let’s bring your vision to light !





    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.



    Two examples of commissioned photographs for a local business (Grizzly Coolers):


